It has been proven over many years via much research that mood can have both a positive a negative affect on our health.
Anger is usually tied to a strong perception of wrongdoing and a drive to address or undo that wrongdoing. Sometimes anger is a natural response to a set of circumstances and other times it is not. Anger can certainly be toxic when it drives your emotions in negative ways and results in behavior that can be self-destructive.
An example of toxic anger is when somebody perceives a personal slight when perhaps none was intended. This can lead to insulting the source of the comments and then being estranged and isolated from them and others as a result. Toxic anger often builds on its self and compounds over time, and can therefore result in health challenges.
Similar to sadness, anger can be manifested as emotion, mood, or temperament.
If you are lucky enough to experience extreme delight and happiness there is a good chance that it will have a positive experience on your health.
Indeed, study data shows that happiness can make our hearts healthier, our immune systems more resilient and even make our lives longer. We seen the data that lower heart rate often translate into happiness. And of course over time a lower heart rate translates into better cardio health and a longer life. Digging a bit deeper we have scientific evidence that The participants who rated themselves as happiest on the day their hearts were tested had a healthier pattern of heart rate variability on that day.
The scientific connection between happiness and health is very strong, and some would even say irrefutable.